Welcome to the book release of The Bear Hunter.
The children's book The Bear Hunter is based on a series of naïve paintings made by the Swedish artist Nils Rundgren (1890 - 1971), also known as Bear Hunter. The paintings depicting fantasy animals, locomotives, figures and flying craft, is photographed by Mikael Olsson and accompanied by a surreal story written by Stefan Lindberg. The artist Anders Widoff has title illustrations on the book's cover and cover page
5 - 6.30 pm. Konst-ig, Åsögatan 124, Stockholm, Sweden.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2011
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Welcome to the book release of The Bear Hunter.
The children's book The Bear Hunter is based on a series of naïve paintings made by the Swedish artist Nils Rundgren (1890 - 1971), also known as Bear Hunter. The paintings depicting fantasy animals, locomotives, figures and flying craft, is photographed by Mikael Olsson and accompanied by a surreal story written by Stefan Lindberg. The artist Anders Widoff has title illustrations on the book's cover and cover page
5 - 6.30 pm. Konst-ig, Åsögatan 124, Stockholm, Sweden.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2011
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