Sunday, December 11th at 1 - 3 pm Mikael Olsson is signing his new book Södrakull Frösakull in the store Svenkt Tenn, Strandvägen 5. Welcome.
The book shows photographs of two houses that were designed and inhabited by architect and furniture designer Bruno Mathsson. Estrid Ericson, Svenskt Tenn's founder, was the first in Stockholm to sell his chairs. The link to the Svenskt Tenn was also to Josef Frank designs Aralia, was Bruno Mathsson's favorite.
DECEMBER 11, 2011
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Sunday, December 11th at 1 - 3 pm Mikael Olsson is signing his new book Södrakull Frösakull in the store Svenkt Tenn, Strandvägen 5. Welcome.
The book shows photographs of two houses that were designed and inhabited by architect and furniture designer Bruno Mathsson. Estrid Ericson, Svenskt Tenn's founder, was the first in Stockholm to sell his chairs. The link to the Svenskt Tenn was also to Josef Frank designs Aralia, was Bruno Mathsson's favorite.
DECEMBER 11, 2011
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