Photo Books in Sweden
February 24–May 6 2018
Opening February 23 18-20
The purpose of Published is to present the history of the photo book in Sweden and the many forms that published photography can take, but it’s also a survey on how the photographic image depicts and forms man and society. The exhibition is part of the on-going research project Photography in Print & Circulation, which is a collaboration between the Hasselblad Foundation and Valand Academy. The project will culminate in a comprehensive publication about the photo book in Sweden, published in the autumn of 2018.
The book Södrakull Frösakull, Steidl is selected for the exhibition.
Curator: Niclas Östlind, Valand Academy, in collaboration with Elsa Modin and Louise Wolthers, Hasselblad Foundation.
Hasselblad Foundation
SE-412 56 Göteborg
FEBRUARY 24, 2018
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Photo Books in Sweden
February 24–May 6 2018
Opening February 23 18-20
The purpose of Published is to present the history of the photo book in Sweden and the many forms that published photography can take, but it’s also a survey on how the photographic image depicts and forms man and society. The exhibition is part of the on-going research project Photography in Print & Circulation, which is a collaboration between the Hasselblad Foundation and Valand Academy. The project will culminate in a comprehensive publication about the photo book in Sweden, published in the autumn of 2018.
The book Södrakull Frösakull, Steidl is selected for the exhibition.
Curator: Niclas Östlind, Valand Academy, in collaboration with Elsa Modin and Louise Wolthers, Hasselblad Foundation.
Hasselblad Foundation
SE-412 56 Göteborg
FEBRUARY 24, 2018
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